Welcome to the 2011 fall semester! Now is a good time to recommend print and electronic titles for your courses and researches at Acquisitions Request . If you have any ideas or comments related to the Collection, feel free to contact Wen-ling Liu. Please visit the East Asian Collection web page at http://www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?pageId=1000026 where you will find library information and resources related to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean studies. Library Instruction | E-Books| Databases
To register, please go to "IUB Libraries Workshops ". Scroll down the page to find the sessions you wish to attend, then enter your name, department, and email address in the form at the bottom of this page. Call the Reference Department at (812) 855-8028 or send email to libwkshp@indiana.edu if you have any questions. In addition to the above sessions, we offer individual sessions and tours. Special sessions are available to faculty members and graduate students who would like to include in-class instructions for the courses they are teaching.
It contains 239 titles related to Asian studies and 11 journal titles related to China, all published since 2007. Please go to either http://ebooks.brillonline.nl/public_home or http://ebooks.brillonline.nl/pages/ASEB to start your searches. We have now 290 titles of Apabi Chinese e-books, including 49 titles of Chinese e-reference books complementing the Chinese collection. For Chinese e-books: For Chinese e-references: Here is the procedure:
Please go to "How to log in" and follow the off-campus access guidelines. It is a one-time-only installation, and here are the steps to follow: After the installation, you can go to Si Ku Quan Shu 文淵閣四庫全書 under Chinese Studies – Electronic Databases at http://www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?pageId=1000824 and click on it. The Citrix server will lead you to the database. You will see a purple "Login" sign in the toolbar. Open it, and select "IP Login" to access the database. Naver News Libraryhttp://http://newslibrary.naver.com/search/searchByDate.nhn/provides digital archive service for articles published between 1920 and 1999 from the following three Korean newspapers:
Currently on exhibit, right next to Room E851, Wells Library, is Four Treasures for the Room of Studies: Paper, Inkstones, Brush, and Inksticks 文房四寶. Please let me know if you want to set up a display for your classes or if you have recommendations for a specific topic. We can work on the details. Latest News and Services in the Library
Currently, we are in the process of shifting the 8th floor collection on the east side. The space behind the elevators will be cleared. So the books with call number J's (Political Science) will be gradually moved from behind the elevators to beyond the elevators. After the shift is done in spring 2012, University Information Technology Services will use the space behind the elevators to establish a usability lab. There are, at present, desks put in the area behind the elevators on the west side of the floor for student use because there are electrical outlets along the wall of that area. The Kent Cooper Room newspapers and periodicals will be relocated to the Reference Room on the first floor, Wells Library in early 2012. At present, currently subscribed newspapers and periodicals are shelved in the Government Information and Kent Cooper Services, 2nd floor of the East Tower, Wells Library. In preparation for the partnership with Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (OVPUE), approximately 238,000 items will be moved from the Government Information and Kent Cooper Services to house the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL). The materials being moved, either to the Wells Library stacks or to ALF, include some microfilms related to East Asian studies and the majority of government publications from East Asia. Please try searches of full-text Chinese, Japanese, and Korean titles in the HathiTrust Digital Library and Google Books. Even though the number of full-text books is limited because of copyright issues, you can read online many books published between the late 19th century and the 1st decade of the 20th century. This service targets to faculty members in East Asian studies. Please email Wen-ling Liu [wliu@indiana.edu] to schedule a library consultation in your office. I can come over on Fridays to demonstrate new library databases and services related to East Asian studies. The Library continues to promote the development of IUScholarWorks, which serves as a repository for the work of individual faculty members. It preserves, organizes, and makes available the works of IU scholars. We will resolve the copyright issues for you. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in the project. For quick coverage of some of IU's key IT services and concepts, be sure to check out the UITS online tutorials and new UITS training site. |