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Newsletter VII January 2006

Happy New Year! Best Wishes for the coming spring semester! The goal of our newsletter is to keep you informed about recent new developments of the East Asian Collection and useful services in the Library. Please don't hesitate to send in purchase recommendations, and if you have any comments, feel free to contact me.

General Information

New Databases Related to East Asian Studies

Included here are new databases we currently subscribe to. Please let me know if you need demonstrations of how to access them.

China Academic Journals - Education / Social Science, 2005 -
Si Ku Quan Shu

New Database Trial

Database: Chinese Ancient Texts (CHANT) Database
Trial Link: (Please click "institutional" on the right-side to log on to the database.)
Trial Period: January 18 - January 31, 2006

Resource description: CHANT, a browsable and searchable database, provides full-text access to Chinese classical works and excavated ancient documents. Created by the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Chinese University of Hong Kong, it comprises 5 full-text databases:

1. Oracular Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells and Bones
2. Bronze Inscriptions
3. Excavated Wood/Bamboo and Silk Scripts
4. Traditional Chinese Texts of Wei Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties (220-589 AD)
5. The Entire Body of Extant Han and Pre-Han (pre-220 A.D.) Traditional Chinese Texts.

The information is also listed on the Library trials page at:

Please let me know if you need a demonstration of how to use it, and please send your comments to me by January 31, 2006.

NEH Library Challenge Grant

Thanks to your strong recommendations, the NEH Library Challenge Grant approved the purchase of the following East Asian-related monograph and microfilm titles:

Asahi shinbun. Tokyo : Asahi Shinbun Tokyo Honsha, 1940-
朝日新聞. 東京 : 朝日新聞東京本社, 1940-
(1969-1971; 72 reels in 35 mm microfilm.)
With this purchase, IUB has a continuous run of Asahi shinbun from 1963-2004.

Japan through Western Eyes: manuscript records of traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, 1853-1941. Marlborough : Adam Matthew Publications, [1996]-
(Part eight: The Harold S Williams Collection from the National Library of Australia; 13 reels in 35 mm microfilm, and guide to Parts 7-8.)
IUB now has a continuous run from Parts 1-8.

Miyamoto Yuriko zenshu, 34 vols. Tokyo: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 2001-2004.
宮本百合子全集, 34 vols. 東京 : 新日本出版社, 2001-2004.

Zhongguo cang Xi Xia wen xian, 17 vols. Lanzhou shi: Gansu ren min chu ban she, 2005.
中国藏西夏文献, 17 vols. 兰州市: 甘肃人民出版社, 2005.

New Location of East Asian Newspapers

The East Asian newspapers we currently subscribe to have been moved to a new location. They are now shelved at the very back of the Class Reserve Area, Kent Cooper Periodical Room, Wells Library.

Display Cases

There are currently two displays: one with the heading “Beauty of Japan” at the Information Commons, and another, “The Art of Chinese Calligraphy,” outside room E851 on the 8th fl. of the Research Collection.

Please let me know if you want to do a display for your classes, and we can work on the details.

Selected New Sets Since August 2005

New Purchases

Hayashi Kyoko zenshu, 8 vols. Tokyo : Nihon Tosho Senta, 2005.
林京子全集, 8 vols. 東京 : 日本図書センター, 2005.

Kinsei shomin kyoiku shiso, 4 vols. Tokyo : Nihon Tosho Senta, 2001.
近世庶民敎育思想, 4 vols. 東京 : 日本図書センター, 2001.

Korekushon modan toshi bunka, 20 vols. Tokyo : Yumani Shobo, 2004-
コレクションモダン都市文化, 20 vols. 東京 : ゆまに書房, 2004-

Guo jia tu shu guan cang Qing dai gu ben nei ge liu bu dang an, 38 vols. Beijing : Quan guo tu shu guan wen xian suo wei fu zhi zhong xin, 2003.
國家圖書館藏淸代孤本内閣六部檔案, 38 vols. 北京 : 全國圖書館文獻縮微復制中心, 2003.

Mou Zongsan xian sheng quan ji, 33 vols. Taibei Shi : Lian jing, 2003.
牟 宗三 先生 全集, 30 vols. 臺北市 : 聯經, 2003.

Zhongguo kao gu ji cheng. Xi nan juan. Yunnan Sheng, Guizhou Sheng, Sichuan Sheng (Chongqing Shi), Xizang Zizhiqu, 28 vols. Zhengzhou Shi : Zhongzhou gu ji chu ban she, 2003.
中國考古集成. 西南卷. 云南省, 贵州省, 四川省 (重庆市), 西藏自治区, 28 vols. 郑州市 : 中州古籍出版社, 2003.

Please be aware that we have added many new subject-oriented dictionaries in Japanese studies in the fall semester.

New Serials Subscriptions

Zhongguo xue shu nian jian (中国学术年鉴)
Katei Gaho (家庭画報)

Services and Changes in the Library

ALF Project

Thanks to the help from many of our faculty, we finished the project of selecting pre-1995 Chinese, Japanese, and Korean monographs circulated three or fewer times for the remote storage ALF by November 30. The book shifting will probably start in spring.

Chinese Pinyin Conversion

With the completion of the ALF Project for East Asian materials, we anticipate that a large amount of selected materials will be moved to ALF in spring. This move will cause inconveniences for you because many of you rely on stack browsing to find books you need since most of the books are still on shelves.

However, the faculty and students who are in Chinese studies will be most affected because many Chinese bibliographic records in IUCAT contain a mixture of Wade-Giles and Pinyin romanization systems.

Our Library has noticed this discrepancy, and will commit to the task of implementing the Chinese Pinyin Conversion in spring as well. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any problems with locating a title.