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Newsletter II January 2003

Welcome to the second newsletter from the East Asian Collection. I hope that you will find its information useful. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact me.

General Information

As a result of your suggestions, three of seven proposed titles for the NEH Library Challenge Grant were accepted by the NEH Library Committee in late November.

Thanks to the recommendation of Prof. Y.J. Chih, the East Asian Collection will be home to Prof. Wu-Chi Liu's impressive Chinese Collection of over 600 volumes. More than 300 titles in the Collection are about Chinese drama and the Southern Society (南社).

I am offering a session entitled "Introduction to the East Asian Collection," an overview of the resources related to East Asian Studies in the Main Library and in the East Asian Collection specifically. Please share this information with your students and register at:
Location: All sessions meet at Reference Desk, Research Collection of the Main Library, unless otherwise noted.

Dates: Thursday, February 20, 4-5 p.m.; Tuesday, February 25, noon - 1 p.m.

New Purchases and Subscriptions

Following are brief statements about notable purchases and subscriptions since September, 2002:


  • 1. Di fang zhi ren wu zhuan ji zi liao cong kan. Huabei juan, 66 v.
    地方志人物传记资料丛刊. 华北卷

    We acquired the Northeast and Northwest sets of this important collectanea on the local histories of China. This is the 3rd set of the whole series; we will purchase the remaining sets later this year.

  • People鈥檚 Daily (Renmin Ribao). Handan shi: Ren min ri bao she, 1946-
    人民日报. 邯郸市: 人民日报社, 1946-

    (requesting the years from 1960-1961, 1975-2000; around 80 reels of 16 mm microfilm)

  • Qing dai mi mi jie she dang an ji yin. 10 v. Beijing: Wai wen chu ban she, 1999.
    清代秘密结社档案辑印. 10 v. 北京: 外文出版社, 1999.

    British Intelligence on China in Tibet, 1903-1950. 576 microfiches. (Joint purchase with librarians of Central Eurasian Studies, History and Government Publications.)

    303 intelligence files on China in Tibet (43,200 pages) collected at the India Office in London during the first half of the twentieth century (1903-1950). They deal with the diplomatic friction and outright competition between the three main powers in the area (Russia, Britain, and China). Texts in English, some in Chinese, and a few in other local languages of Tibet

  • Selected serials subscriptions:

    1)Gu Han yu yan jiu (古漢语研究)
    2)Dang dai Zhongguo shi yan jiu (當代中國史硏究)
    3)Taiwan yan jiu (Beijing, China) (台湾硏究)
    4)Zhongguo she hui jing ji shi yan jiu (中國社会经济史硏究)
    5)Zhongguo zuo jia (<中國作家)


  • Bakuma tsu Ishin ronshu, 12 v. Tokyo : Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2000-2001.
    幕末維新論集, 12 v. 東京吉川弘文館, 2000-2001.

  • Bungei shiryo jiten, 3 v. Tokyo : Nihon Tosho Senta, 2002.
    文芸資料事典, 3 v. 東京 日本図書センター, 2002.

  • Kaido no Nihon shi, 56 v. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2000-2002.
    街道の日本史, 56 v. 東京: 吉川弘文館, 2000-

  • Kamakura jidai monogatari shusei, 8 v. Tokyo : Kasama Shoin, 1988-2001.
    鎌倉時代物語集成, 8 v. 東京 : 笠間書院, 1988-2001.

  • Nihon no chusei, 12 v. Tokyo : Chuo Koron Shinsha, 2002.
    日本の中世, 12 v. 東京: 中央公論新社, 2002

  • Nihon no jidaishi, 30 v. Tokyo : Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2002-
    日本の時代史, 30 v. 東京 : 吉川公文館, 2002-

  • Senji ka no josei bungaku,, 18 v. Tokyo: Yumani Shobo, 2002.
    "戦時下" 女性文学, 18 v. 東京: ゆまに書房, 2002.

  • Shanhai sosho, 12 v. Tokyo: Ozorasha, 2002.
    上海叢書, 12 v. 東京: 大空社, 2002.

  • Selected serials subscriptions:

    1) Bessatsu bungei shunju (別冊文藝春秋)
    2) Bungaku gogaku (文學語學)
    3) Gekkan gengo (月刋言語)
    4) Gekkan Nihongo (月刋日本語)
    5) Japan close-up


  • Chung-Cho tae sajon, 9 v. Soul-si: Sonmun Taehakkyo Chung-Han Ponyok Munhon Yonguso, 2002.
    中朝大辭典, 9 v. 서울시: 鮮文大學校中韓번역文 9563;究所, 2002.

This encyclopedia details the historical relationships and changes between Chinese and Korean languages in the Choson period (1392-1910). It took professors in the Sonmun University in South Korea seventeen years to complete the dictionary.

  • Selected serials subscriptions:
  • 1) Munhak sasang (文學思想)
    2) Oltonotibu yonghwa Kino (얼터너티브영화 Kino)


We continue to improve the East Asian Collection Webpage. Please feel free to send us comments and ideas.

ALF Project (Please suggest to me the titles that can be transferred to ALF.)

Beginning in March 2003, selected books for the ALF (Auxiliary Library Facility) Project will be transferred to ALF. The East Asian Collection filled the ALF quota (4,500 volumes) in 2002.

Book Recommendations

Please send in book purchase recommendations for the 2003 fall semester so that we can ensure timely receipt of books and periodicals.

Services and Changes in the Library

  • Undergraduate Library (UGL) and the related services on the first floor of the West tower of the Main Library have been relocated in preparation for renovation. They have all been moved to the 4th floor of the West tower, with the exception of the Adaptive Technology Center, which was moved to the 1st floor of the Research Collection.
  • With the removal of copiers on some floors (including the 8th) in the Research Collection, the Copy Center, located at the left corner on the 1st floor of the Research Collection, is now open for business. It provides the following services:

    Black and White/Color copies and transparencies from paper and diskette
    Fax Services
    Spin, Spiral and Tape Binding
    Passport Photos available

    Folding - In halves or thirds
    Drilling - Three hole
    Stapling - as requested
    Laminating - Business card, letter, legal, ledger
    Color posters

  • Check Your Account in IUCAT: IUCAT, the online catalog of the IU Libraries that contains 5.5 million records, now includes features that allow you to:
  • 1) Check your account and review a list of materials you have checked out
    2) Renew your materials
    3) Search all of the libraries on the Bloomington campus by using one keyword or exact search

    To view your account, you must sign on with your IU Network ID and password.
    For more information: