Introduction to the East Asian Collection: This is an overview of the resources related to East Asian Studies in the Wells Library and in the East Asian Collection. Tuesday, Sept. 16, 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. in Room W302 (3rd floor, West Tower of the Wells Library) Electronic Resources in Chinese Studies I: This session offers an overview and an update of the electronic databases and Internet resources available for research in Chinese Studies, with focus on China Academic Journals, China Doctor/Master Dissertations, and China Core Newspapers. Wednesday, Sept. 17, 4:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. in Room W302 (3rd floor, West Tower of the Wells Library) Electronic Resources in Japanese Studies: This session offers an overview and an update of the electronic databases and Internet resources available for research in Japanese Studies, with focus on Asahi Shinbun and JapanKnowledge. Friday, Sept. 19, noon-1:00 p.m. in Room W302 (3rd floor, West Tower of the Wells Library) Electronic Resources in Chinese Studies II: This session offers an overview and an update of the electronic databases and Internet resources available for research in Chinese Studies, with focus on Siku quanshu, Scripta Sinica, and China Data Online. Tuesday, Sept. 23, noon-1:00 p.m. in Room W302 (3rd floor, West Tower of the Wells Library) To register, please go to Scroll down the screen, and you will see the four sessions listed. Please check the sessions you wish to attend, and enter your name, department, and email address at the bottom of the page. In addition to the Library research seminars, special sessions are available to faculty members and graduate students who would like to include a library presentation in their courses. Database: E-Korean Studies Trial Link: Trial Period:Present until October 31, 2008 Resource Description: E-Korean Studies includes the following eleven databases of full-text journal articles and e-books: Koreanstudies Information Service System (KISS), KSI e-book, Electronic Journal Service DBpia, Knowledge Reference Service (KRpia), Digital Culture Art Course, KoreaA2Z, Kdatabase (a database of modern and contemporary Korean history), Kpjournal (a database of North Korea's academic science journals), Korean History & Culture Research Database, History Cultural Series, and LawnB Legal Information Service. The combined contents cover all academic disciplines. New Databases Related to East Asian Studies Asahi Shinbun's Kikozo II has the following content:
China Doctor/Master Dissertations Full-text Databases As of 2006, the two databases contain over 60,000 dissertations and 290,000 master theses provided by around 300 Chinese higher education institutions since 2000, covering many subjects from literature, history, philosophy, economics, politics, law, education, science, engineering, medicine, and agriculture. Han Ji Dian Zi Quan Wen Zi Liao Ku 漢籍電子全文資料庫 = Scripta Sinica This database is a compilation of around 500 titles,
including such large ones as "Veritable
Records of the Ming Dynasty" (Ming
shi lu 明 實錄) and "Veritable Records of the Qing Dynasty" (Qing shi lu 清實錄). Grand Secretariat Archives 內閣大庫檔案 (Please contact me for username and password) The Database, developed by the Institute of History and Philosogy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, contains 310,000 documents dated from the Ming dynasty to the late Qing dynasty.b> Asia
Pacific Education Review (APER) Kyoyuk t'onggye yonbo교육통계연보 = Statistical Yearbook of Education Kyoyukhak
yon'gu敎育學硏究 = Journal of Educational Research Min
jian wen hua lun tan 民间文化论坛 = Forum on Folk Culture
21 = 씨네21 Zhongguo nong cun tong ji nian jian中国农村统计年鉴 Zhongguo ti yu nian jian. 中国体育年鉴 = China Sport Yearbook There is currently a display, Varieties of Ming Porcelains, for Professor Lynn Struve's classes
on Ming arts and culture outside Room E851 in the East Asian Collection. Please
let me know if you want to do a display for your classes, and we
can work on the details. Latest News and Services in the Library Scholarly Communication Professor Sumie Jones's article "Breaking the Disciplinary Boundaries: Collaborative Research in Early Modern Japanese Arts and Literature" became the first EALC faculty is now posted on IUScholarWorks ( IUScholarWorks serves as a repository for the work of individual faculty members; it preserves, organizes, and makes freely available the works of IU scholars. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in the project. Google Books Added to IUCAT Over 7,000 titles
in IUCAT are now linked to Google Book
Search.In IUCAT, one can find the
icon of the Google Book Search at the
right side of the screen. Previews, tables of contents, and full-text in some cases are available for selected items. Because of copyright restrictions, users can view only "snippets" of the Google books published before 1923. To search for
books linked to Google Book Search in
IUCAT, type "google books" in the box next to the default "keywords anywhere"
in the box of "Basic Search," and click on "search." Visitors from Overseas In March, we had six visitors from Hiroshima University, who received a grant from the Japanese Ministry of Education for faculty and doctoral students to visit universities in the United States to study how to prepare doctoral students to become university teachers. In the same month, Dr. Masato Yamazaki, Osaka City University, came to the IUB campus to locate materials related to Manchu Studies. In April, Dr. Kenji Watanabe, who was visiting IUB as an External Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, looked at our collection of the Edo period and examined our Ukiyoe collection in the Rare Book Room. In June, Dr. Hidetoshi Hashimoto, East Tennessee State University, came to use our collection for his research related to Japan-China relationships. We had a number of visitors in
August. As one of the sponsors for the Second International Symposium
on Chinese Regional Culture and Language held in Bloomington, Dr. Ik-sang Eom, an alumnus of Indiana
University and currently teaching at Hanyang University, donated five of his
publications related to comparative studies of Korean and Chinese languages to
the East Asian Collection. Mr. Minsun Kim, Korea Foundation, visited the
Korean Collection and enquired about our gift program. Later in the
month, Dr. Yukitada Terazawa 寺澤行忠 of Keio University visited our collection to gather
information for his book on Japanese culture and Japanese studies in North
America. Mr. Xianghua Chen 陈翔华, author of several books on 三国志演义 from Beijing,
looked at the various editions of 三国志演义 in our
collection. |