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Newsletter XVI August 2010

Welcome to the 2010 fall semester! Please keep in mind that now is a good time to recommend print and electronic titles for your courses and researches at Request a Purchase. If you have any ideas or comments related to the Collection, feel free to contact me.

Library Research Seminar | New Development of Electronic Resources
Latest News and Services in the Library

CANCELED: Fall 2010 Library Research Seminars

  • Orientation Session for the East Asian Collection: This is for users who are new to the IUB East Asian Collection. This session introduces resources and services related to East Asian studies on the Bloomington campus.

    Time will be re-scheduled.

  • Exploring Electronic Resources in Chinese Studies: This session introduces electronic databases and Internet resources available for research in Chinese studies, with focus on Apabi Digital Library Reference DB, China Data Online, Scripta Sinica and databases associated with China Academic Journals.

    Time will be re-scheduled.

  • Accessing Electronic Resources in Japanese Studies: This session introduces electronic databases and Internet resources available for research in Japanese Studies, with focus on Japanese e-books, Asahi Shinbun Kikuzo II, 聞蔵 II and JapanKnowledge+.

    Time will be re-scheduled.

  • Featuring Electronic Resources in Korean Studies: This is an introduction session to demonstrate how to access and search the databases included in E-Korean Studies, DBpia, and KRpia.

    Time will be re-scheduled.

To register, please go to "Sign up for Library Research Seminars". Please check the sessions you wish to attend, then enter your name, department, and email address in the form at the bottom of this page. Call the Reference Department at (812) 855-8028 or send email to if you have any questions.

In addition to the above seminars, we offer library orientations, individual sessions, and tours for IU faculty, students, and visitors. Special sessions are available to faculty members and graduate students who would like to include in-class instructions for the courses they are teaching.

New Development of Electronic Resources

  • Apabi Chinese E-Refbooks
  • We have purchased forty-nine titles of Apabi Chinese e-reference books as a start to complement the reference books in the Chinese print collection. On the main page, which has the basic search for the Reference Database, there is a link for "Bibliography Navigation 按书浏览" (see the right side of the green Search button). This link should take you to the browse page for all reference eBooks that Indiana University has subscribed to.

  • More Japanese E-books
  • We are able to view more Japanese e-books online via NetLibrary. The fifty e-books complement the gaps in our Japanese print collection. For example, you can now view in full text 続現代史資料, vols. 1-12, and 続日本随筆大成別巻, vols. 1-12, online. Here is the procedure:

    1. Go to the URL
    2. Under “Basic Search,” select “Japanese.”
    3. Next to “Full-Text,” input any Japanese scripts, such as “日本”
    4. You will then see a list of fifty Japanese titles.

  • Asahi Shinbun, Kikuzo 聞蔵 II
  • GOOD NEWS – Starting September 1, our subscription of Asahi Shinbun, Kikuzo II now includes access to Asahi Shinbun from Meiji 12 (1879) to the present, the Who’s Who Database, and the Historical Photo Archive.

  • JapanKnowledge+
  • GOOD NEWS -- Starting September 1, we will have Kokushi daijiten 國史大辭典 to our subscription of JapanKnowledge.

  • Access to Siku Quanshu 四庫全書
  • The Siku Quanshu database has been moved to the Citrix server. Please go to “How to log in” and follow the guidelines. It is a one-time-only installation, and here are the steps to follow:

    1. Click on
    2. Click on the box “Citrix Client: Download Plug-ins and Clients” on the left-hand side.
    3. Under “Clients and Plug-ins” right below “Results for” in the middle, click on “Online Plug-in 12.0.3”
    4. Under “General Documentation,” select the 2nd option “Citrix Online plug-in-Web” to download the Citrix client.

    After the installation, you can go to Si Ku Quan Shu 文淵閣四庫全書 under Chinese Studies – Electronic Databases at and click on it. The Citrix server will lead you to the database. You will see a purple “Login” sign in the toolbar. Open it, and select “IP Login” to access the database.


Mystery and Detective

The East Asian Collection is presenting two displays with the same topic, Justice and Popular Culture: Modern Detective and Mystery Stories from East Asia. One display is right across from the elevator on the 8th floor, the other is just next to Room E851. Please let me know if you want to do a display for your classes or if you have recommendations for a specific topic. We can work on the details.

Latest News and Services in the Library

  • IUScholarWorks Repository
  • The Library continues to promote the development of IUScholarWorks, which serves as a repository for the work of individual faculty members. It preserves, organizes, and makes available the works of IU scholars. We will resolve the copyright issues for you. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in the project.

  • East Asian Collection Web Page Updated
  • The Collection web page has migrated to Over the summer, we continued to review the existing web pages, added new content, and kept the links up to date.

  • Full-Text Searches of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean books in the HathiTrust Digital Library and Google Books.
  • Please try searches of full-text Chinese, Japanese, and Korean titles in the HathiTrust Digital Library and Google Books. Even though the number of full-text books is limited because of copyright issues, you can read online many books published between the late 19th century and the 1st decade of the 20th century.

  • Faculty Office Visits
  • This service targets to faculty members in East Asian studies. Please email Wen-ling Liu [] to schedule a library consultation in your office. I can come over on Fridays to demonstrate new library databases and services related to East Asian studies.

Submitted August/30/2010/wll